Sept. 27: Penn State Humanities Institute, Summer Graduate Residents Talks

On September 27, I’ll be giving a presentation as part of the Humanities Institute’s Summer Graduate Residents Talks event. I’ll be talking about my overall dissertation project, and some of the work I completed at the Institute this past summer. The program is on Zoom (register here), and runs from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

The complete program includes:

  • "Contemporary (Re)Tellings of Isabel la Negra in Puerto Rican Literature” by Emily Sterk, Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese.

  • “Silicon Valley Stories: Reckonings, Recursions, and Infinite Loops” by Robert Nguyen, Department of English.

  • "Speculative Formations: Queer and Trans Communities in the Long Twentieth Century" by Liz Schoppelrei, Department of Comparative Literature; Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies; German.

Talks will be 15 minutes each, with time at the end for discussion.

Rob Nguyenevents